infolinks tips

Infolinks ads are known for their High CTR and space economy. Offering in text, in frame, in tag, and in search ads, Infolinks tend To be very dynamic Use the following tips To improve your earnings at least by 110% for the same traffic.

  • Activate all the ads in your site. This really boosts your income since each ad element is treated individually.
  • Use inframe ads since they are ppv products so whether or not someone hovers over them, ads will appear And for every unique visitor, you earn something
  • Use insearch ads for over 30% revenue increment or more esp when most of your traffic is organic. They have the highest ctr.
  • Use intag ads at the top of each post. Change option in infolinks for manually placed Intag ads to control the placement of intag code.Don't use much intag ads, otherwise it will irritate visitors to a bad extent.
  • Choose your site's most relevant category in your infolinks account dashboard for the most relevant ads in your website. This can greatly positively impact on CTR.
  • Use no more than 4 intext infolinks ads per webpage. This ensures that only expensive keywords are underlined.Instead of 12 ads with 0.10CPM each, 4 ads with 1.00CPM are a better choice since they even reduce Ad overcrowding.
  • Use same highlighting color for both intext ads and normal site links. This greatly improve CTR rates.
