tribal fusion review

Plan and execute campaigns based on a deeper understanding of your online audiences.

Publishers who meet our rigorous quality standards can expect to discover the benefits of partnering with Tribal Fusion® and maximize the value of their highly targeted content.

Commission typesCPM CPA
Ad formatsbanner, Video, intestitial, floating, pop up/under
Minimum traffic requirement500000 monthly views
Other restrictionsno adult or crime content, TLD, premium hosting
Geographical coverworldwide
Avg commission rates3.00CPM
Referral commission10%
Avg fill rates100%
Max banners per pageone
Revenue share ratio55:45
Payment cyclenet 60
Payment methodsPaypal Check
Minimum Payment50 USD

Sign up is easy. Approval is hard and may take Upto 7 days. Ad implementation involves pasting Ad code to your site Html

3 pros of Tribal Fusion

  • High CPM rates as in The table above.
  • Multiple Ad formats
  • 100% trust score

3 cons of Tribal Fusion

  • 50 0000 views Minimum traffic requirement
  • Long Payment Intervals
  • High Minimum Payment of 50USD